Další název/názvy: First Reels series
Žánr: Feature film / Experimental film
Rok: 1997
Minutáž: 00:10:35 mins
Popis: Eagle Eye was made as a bricolage experiment after a trip to Mexico to watch The Day of the Dead celebrations. McIntosh filmed in Glasgow, Mexico, Brislington and Galway. She worked with Patrick Macklin, a graphic designer, to make a moving image version of a poem written in Mexico.
Klíčová slova: experimental / animation / Scottish Screen, Scottish Television, Arts Council of Ireland, Glasgow City Council, The Scottish Arts Council (Sponsor)
Poskytovatel: National Library of Scotland
Práva: In Copyright
Barva: Colour
Director: Mandy McIntosh
Sound: With sound
Typ dokumentu:
Language: en