The film is based on the story of Romeo and Juliet. Two young people, Dimitris and Myrto, whose families are mortal enemies, fall in love. Myrto’s father had caused the financial ruin of Dimitris’...
An officer in the Greek army (Giannis Voglis) arrives in German-occupied Mytilene in order to complete a mission of sabotage with the help of partisans. With the assistance of an abbot named Amvrosio...
A dramatic documentary about the Greek village of Belogiannis near Budapest, Hungary, which was built in 1950 by Greek political refugees, former fighters of the Democratic Army. At the time when the...
Anna a hospitalised psychopathic young woman kills in a psychiatric clinic the male nurse who tried to rape her, and then she escapes. She wanders in the streets of the city, lost and without talking ...
Four fellow students fall in love with the same girl (Maria Perdiki), who messes around with their lives and then abandons them in the same dramatic manner, vanishing as if she had never existed. This...
Danny Arnold is a writer looking for material and inspiration for his new book. For this reason, he kidnaps six-year-old Yvonne. As soon as he obtains the ransom money from her parents, Katy and Eddy,...
A dying woman, just before passing away, confides in the couple who have been caring for her that her lost husband is a very rich man. She urges them to find him for the sake of her dear daughter Ali...
A breadwinner decides to open a shop renting motorbikes. When the local bikers begin to bother him, he turns into a kamikaze to deal with them.