Finlandia-katsaus 16
Andre titler: Finlandia Survey No 16
Genre: lyhyt katsaus / Newsreel
År: 1943
Varighed: 10:00:00
Beskrivelse: President Risto Ryti (1889-1956) at the inauguration of the Tampere ‘War Veteran Village’ on 5 September 1943. Workers’ youth week in Tampere. Catching Baltic herring and preparing herring dishes. Insulation of heating pipes in the cellar. The Ambassador of Portugal lays a wreath at the soldiers’ graves in Hietaniemi cemetery. Finnish shooting championships at the Malmi shooting range in the presence of President Svinhufvud (1861-1944). Anti-aircraft guns firing at night.
Nøgleord: asunnot / rakentaminen / jälleenrakentaminen / asevelityö / Tampere : asevelikylä / kalastus : silakka : kalaruoat / housing / construction / reconstruction / Tampere / War Veteran Village / fishing / herring / fish dishes
Udbyder: Kansallinen Audiovisuaalinen Arkisto
Produktionsselskab: Finlandia Kuva Oy
Farve: Black & White
Sound: With sound
Originalformat: Video/mpeg
Language: fi