A woman (Marialena Karbouri) enters a monastery in Meteora in order to escape her lover’s abuse. Instead of finding protection, however, she encounters a tough and stressful situation, where secrets...
Set in 6th century Byzantium, when the Emperor Michael II calls for an assembly to choose a wife for Regent Theofilos, who is charmed by the nineteen-year-old princess Kassiani. In the end, he chooses...
A man (Giorgos Kampanellis) meets and falls in love with a Cypriot woman (Nelly Pappa). They overcome various obstacles and manage to get married.
Stelios (Alekos Alexandrakis), a promising young civil engineer, is delaying his marriage with Anna (Kaiti Papanika) because he feels obliged to marry off his sisters first. When Anna gets engaged to ...
A film adaptation of Minos Volonakis’ theatrical production of Euripides’ Medea. A famous Greek actress named Maya (Melina Merkouri) returns to Greece to play in a modern version of Medea. During ...
Angelos (Nikos Kourkoulos) is the sole survivor of a shipwreck. When called to testify, he reveals that the wreck occurred because of insufficient maintenance. Crushed by the burden of guilt, the ship...