Rose O'Salem Town
Weitere Titel: De Roos van Salem
Rose of Salem
Rose O'Salem-town
Genre: melodrama
Jahr: 1910
Beschreibung: Silent melodrama about a Christian girl who is wrongly accused of witchcraft by Puritans. An adventurer manages to rescue her from the pyre with the help of Indians he has befriended.
Schlüsselwörter: 26 september 1910 / Verenigde Staten / Delaware Water Gap / Marblehead / indianen / gevangenschap / christendom / religies / onderdrukking
Anbieter: EYE Filmmuseum (The Netherlands)
Rechte: Public Domain
Produktionsfirma: Biograph (Verenigde Staten)
Regie: D.W. Griffith
Related Names
- W. Chrystie Miller | Actor
- Dorothy West | Actor
- Henry B. Walthall | Actor
- Alfred Paget | Actor
- George Nichols sr | Actor
- Marion Leonard | Actor
- Arthur V. Johnson | Actor
- Guy Hedlund | Actor
- Gladys Egan | Actor
- Clara T. Bracey | Actor
- Emmett Campbell Hall | Screenplay
- G.W. Bitzer | Director of photography
- D.W. Griffith | Director