Der kleine Rabe Socke

Genre: Animated film / Trailer
Year: 2011/2012
Runtime: 00:43 min
Description: Animation movie based on the children's book series of the same title by Nele Moost and Annet Rudolph. Little raven Socke, who loves spaghetti, playing tricks and monkeyshines in general has run into a misadventure, damaging the beavers' dam on the edge of the woods. Now, the reservoir is threatening to flood the habitat. Afraid of being punished for his mischief by the strict Ms. Badger, Socke decides to repair the dam on his own behalf. Joined by his friends, the craven sheep Wolle and the strong bear Eddi he heads for the beavers who built the dam. However, things do not work out as easily as planned.
Provider: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Rights: In Copyright / Universum Film GmbH (München)
Director: Ute von Münchow-Pohl
Document type:
Language: de