Finlandia-katsaus 128
Other title(s): Finlandia Survey No 128
Genre: lyhyt katsaus / Newsreel
Year: 1950
Runtime: 07:00:00
Description: Air show in Nummela. Moroccan basketball team in Helsinki. Sugar beet singling competition in Turenki. The new Jännevirta Bridge in North Savo. Handing over the Rauma Railway Line to the State Railways. Danish surrogate parents to Finnish children during the War visit Finland: war memorial and Suomenlinna Sea Fortress. Defence Forces celebrate National Flag Day at Restaurant Kappeli in Helsinki: the Guards’ Band with Music Captain Rope and his baton.
Keywords: taitolento / Nummela / laskuvarjohypyt / koripallo / sokerijuurikas / harvennus / Jännevesi / rautatiet / Rauma / Suomenlinna / sotilassoittokunnat / kapellimestarit / Esplanadi / air show / skydiving / basketball / sugar beet / thinning / Jännevesi / railway / Rauma / military bands / conductors / Esplanadi
Provider: Kansallinen Audiovisuaalinen Arkisto
Production company: Suomi-Filmi Oy
Colour: Black & White
Sound: With sound
Document type:
Original format: Video/mpeg
Language: fi