Finlandia-katsaus 179
Other title(s): Finlandia Survey No 179
Genre: lyhyt katsaus / Newsreel
Year: 1952
Runtime: 08:00:00
Description: Opening of Hotel Vaakuna in Helsinki. New uniforms, motorcycles, and radio cars for the police forces. The Helsinki Swimming Stadium opened. ‘Children to the countryside’ summer camp project of the Save the Children Finland organisation. ‘Marski’ Athletic Meet. Hockey on the new sports field in Porvoo. Car polo in Holland. Traditions are honoured in Dutch summer parties. Salvaging a sunken tanker on the Dutch coast. Olympic celebration in Amsterdam. Relay Championships in the USA.
Keywords: hotellit : avajaiset / ysa:poliisit / ysa:olympialaiset / Helsingin uimastadion / kesäsiirtolat / ysa:lapset / ysa:urheilukilpailut / ysa:urheilukentät / Porvoo / ysa:autot / onnettomuudet / ysa:säiliöalukset / hotel / opening / police / uniforms / swimming stadium / summer camp / children / field hockey / car polo / Netherlands / tanker / Olympic Celebrations / Amsterdam / relay race / United States
Provider: Kansallinen Audiovisuaalinen Arkisto
Production company: Suomi-Filmi Oy
Colour: Black & White
Sound: With sound
Document type:
Original format: Video/mpeg
Language: fi