The Two Brothers
Muu nimi/muut nimet: Twee broeders
Vuosi: 1910
Kesto: 00:17:00
Kuvaus: In the principality of Camarillo, a son is rejected by his mother because of his misconduct. He attacks the bridal carriage of his brother and his bride, and wants to murder the brother, who had threatened him with death. The bride intervenes.
Avainsanat: 4 april 1910 / California / San Juan Capistrano / Verenigde Staten
Sisältölähde: EYE Filmmuseum (The Netherlands)
Oikeudet: Public Domain
Tuotantoyhtiö: Biograph (Verenigde Staten)
Ohjaaja: D.W. Griffith
Related Names
- Charles West | Actor
- Henry B. Walthall | Actor
- Mack Sennett | Actor
- Mary Pickford | Actor
- Marion Leonard | Actor
- Dell Henderson | Actor
- Arthur V. Johnson | Actor
- Kate Bruce | Actor
- Eleanor Hicks | Screenplay
- Arthur Marvin | Director of photography
- G.W. Bitzer | Director of photography
- D.W. Griffith | Director