In order to secure money for the production of his first film, a young man asks help from a film producer. The producer, however, was involved with pornographic films, and now his main business is dru...
A young actor (Giorgos Kimoulis) has made several attempts at suicide knowing that his friend (Kostas Artzoglou) will always save him. His life, though, totally changes when a man (Fanis Chinas) appea...
Giannis (Antonis Kafetzopoulos), a thirty-year-old man who is obsessed with films, decides to break out of his daily routine and starts a love affair with his best friend’s (Panos Iliopoulos) girlfr...
When a friend of his dies, an isolated writer decides to abandon his solitude and look into the reasons for the loss of his friend. This decision will force him to face the people around him and final...
The Summer of 1987. Six friends from Salamina meet in one of the island’s cafes. Then, and over the following seven years, they experience maturation as a gradual drawing-away from the paradise of t...
A drug dealer, by the characteristic name “Boss”, moves “merchandise” with the help of his girlfriend Monroe, his partner Remoulas and the transvestite Ursula. All three of them are in the dru...
Soon after his mother’s death, Thanassis, a student at the National Technical University (Polytechnic) of Athens, moves to the house of his forty-five-year-old brother Petros, who, in his mind, is s...
Journalist Orestis (Daniel Olbrychski) in the past had belonged to a radical leftist organization. When the two people who had sent members of his organization to jail are killed, the police place the...