The Cypriots’ fight against British occupation is depicted through three stories. A fighter (Petros Fysoun), after meeting Grigoris (Michalis Nikolinakos), a friend of his, leaves the mountain where...
A boy escapes from the reformatory and hides in a young girl’s house. The two kids become friends. When the boy’s parents, who are traveling with the circus, pass by the village where the two kids...
A mysterious woman (Alexandra Ladikou) arrives on the island of Patmos and is greeted with great enthusiasm by the local people. Gradually, she becomes integrated into the community, and while we lear...
Giannis (Giannis Gkionakis) is a barber and is in love with Martha (Martha Karagianni), who is a hairdresser - and they want to marry. However, Giannis has four sisters who must get married first. Thi...
Famous armatolos (member of an unorganized military force) Giannos was forced to become a klepht (mountain warrior-bandit). After liberation, he returns to his village, where his name has become a leg...
A student (Alekos Alexandrakis) returns to Greece from Italy and presents his fiancée (Maro Kontou) -who is pretending to be Italian- to his sister (Katerina Gioulaki) because the latter doesn’t wa...