La dura giornata di lavoro dei muratori nel cantiere per la costruzione dello stadio Olimpico a Roma.
1 - l'uomo direziona la gru che trasporta la colata di calce, un carretto trainato da un cava...
Il cortometraggio racconta l'importante sviluppo dell'altopiano della Sila, soprattutto agricolo, con la gestione del nuove ente statale, Opera della Sila, e per la politica della riforma agraria.
Il cortometraggio racconta i lavori di ricostruzione del porto di Livorno dopo dieci anni dal bombardamento che lo ha distrutto e la vita marittima che riprende.
1 - veduta panoramica dalla colli...
Il cortometraggio racconta l'iniziale opera di bonifica dei terreni calabri per la futura esperienza della riforma agraria.
1 - panoramica dei territori calabri impervi ed in stato di abbandono a...
"Ci siamo mai chiesti chi sono, da dove vengono, come vivono gli ombrellari?". La vita solitaria delle donne di Secinaro, il 'paese degli ombrellari'. La giornata di lavoro di un ombrellaio raccontat...
The digging of the canal on the Rhône and the construction of a dam, between Donzère (Drôme) and Mondragon (Vaucluse) have started. This is the result of the Marshall plan for the hydroelectric ind...
Pierre Courant (Le Havre's mayor and Minister of Reconstruction and Urban Planning) offers the keys to three houses built as part of his program for the reconstruction of the city.
Research in today's Messina of the motifs, colors and themes that Antonello painted in his very own way.
The city of Warsaw is in ruins. A ceremony commemorates it, in the presence of Boleslaw Bierut and of the French Ambassador.
A presentation of how life of pacients in the spa town Poděbrady looks like told through a perspective of a patient. The film deals with the cultural and sports life of the city and its history.
Roger Gillet (1916-1974), modeleur mécanicien de formation puis à la tête d'une société de menuiserie-ébénisterie, était membre du PCF dans la section du 20e arrondissement de Paris. // Au mil...
The ruins left by the war will be replaced by cities and buildings designed by architects. We already see some of their achievements, compared to the monuments of the past.
Living conditions are difficult for many elderly people in this winter. This episode denounces that French people who worked all their lives, fought during the WWI and gave their sons during this last...
The foreman at the construction site for a new dam in the Austrian alps explains to the audience, why electricity provided by water power will be key for the economic recovery and technological modern...
Dernière née des locomotives électriques, la 2D2 5500 allie confort, vitesse et sécurité. Le film suit la production, l'acheminement et la transformation de l'énergie électrique nécessaire à ...
A documentary about youth brigades that are being offered for the reconstruction of Lidice. The film recalls the tragedy of Lidice and describes the work of international youth in the construction of ...