Max ist in seinem Beruf als Psychotherapeut zwar sehr erfolgreich, aber seine eigenen Probleme drohen ihm immer mehr über den Kopf zu wachsen. Seine Ex-Frau Loretta, mit der er sich eigentlich prima ...
Die wirtschaftliche Situation in dem bayerischen Provinzkaff Hinterdupfing ist wenig berauschend. Eines Tages kommt eine Clique Dorfjugendlicher auf die Idee, den Ort als Urlaubsziel zu etablieren. Si...
Dokumentarfilm über zwei Männer, die Mitte der 50er Jahre als Nachkömmlinge deutscher Mütter und amerikanischer Besatzungssoldaten geboren wurden – "Kinder der Schande" nannte man solche Kinder ...
Dokumentarfilm über Aktivisten, Umweltschützer und umweltbewusste Politiker in Deutschland und den USA, die sich für eine weltweite Energiewende und den Kampf gegen den Klimawandel engagieren. Der ...
Deutschland, 1957. Der Staatsanwalt Fritz Bauer erhält entscheidende Hinweise über den Aufenthaltsort des SS-Obersturmbannführers Adolf Eichmann. Dieser gehörte zu den führenden Köpfen im Hitler...
Für das in Tel Aviv lebende Ehepaar Michael und Dafna Feldmann wird ein Alptraum wahr, als sie die Nachricht erhalten, dass ihr Sohn Jonathan kurz nach dem Beginn seines Militärdienstes gefallen sei...
Der Film beruht auf einem authentischen Fall im bayerischen Passau: Nachdem die Klosterschülerin Sonja einen internationalen Aufsatzwettbewerb gewonnen hat und von ihrer Heimatstadt Pfitzing hochgeeh...
International newsreel with ten different elements, among them a fashion show in Paris, followed by different shows and demonstrations of airship, planes, motorcycles, cars, tractors and other farm ma...
Images, from 1914, of the production of airplanes: A double-decker is taken outside and the motor is assembled on it. The plane can be transported entirely in parts, as a construction kit.
Il film è costruito su un'esigenza di attualità legata alla situazione bellica, visto che l'Italia era entrata in guerra contro l'Austria nel maggio del 1915. Alla fine della cerimonia di matr...
Based on an English fairy tale in which poverty forces Jack to sell their cow, but in exchange gets beans instead of money. Eventually he uses the magic beans to wind up in the castle of the giant.
In preparion for war, German and French ships and hydroplanes are launched in Wilhelmshaven and Lorient. The war technology is depicted in an objective and proud manner, which today seems in stark con...
Spendid shots of the famous waterfalls filmed on the Canadian side and distributed at the time by the Belgian Cingraphique University, founded in 1926 and specialised in the distribution of documentar...
Melodrama, about a father and son sharing the love for the same charming girl. A dramatic night storm leads to jealousy and loss of honor.
The film has no plot or continuity. Almost all the first reel comes directly from IWM 236 A BOMBING TRIP OVER THE ENEMY LINES, showing Australian aircraft, and IWM 28 WITH THE AUSTRALIAN FORCES IN PAL...
Nel quartiere romano di San Lorenzo (compreso fra Porta Tiburtina e Viale dello Scalo San Lorenzo) si trovano la Basilica di San Lorenzo fuori le mura e il Cimitero del Verano: a metà Ottocento...
The first Norwegian film with international ambitions, Thin Ice is a story of young love, corporate ambition, and a daring nighttime caper. Tom, a strapping young student, gets his dream job as an adv...
Nella storia dell'Italia unita, accanto all'iconografia ufficiale che documenta la vita politica e sociale del Paese, è fiorita nei quotidiani politici, nei periodici umoristici e in opuscoli u...
Il film, diviso in 6 capitoli, racconta i principali eventi della vicenda di Attila, dal fratricidio che gli permette, eliminando Bleda, il fratello buono di porsi alla testa degli Unni, alle su...
French language version of a newsreel item on British troops sitting and eating bread and jam "with proverbial coolness", Western Front, May 1918.
"King And President - The King of the Belgians and President Poincaré leaving Furnes after an inspection of the French Cavalry in the market square".
The young hothead Billy is drifting into a life of crime and has a violent quarrel with his girlfriend Nelly. The lay preacher John Redmond tells Billy his life's story. Many years before, he was a we...
The workforce is mainly women working at benches or on production lines. They test rubber mouthpieces for leaks with a probe. They test the expiratory valves in the same manner. The corrugated tubes a...