A rich young man (Nikos Kourkoulos), who is the son of an aristocratic family, falls in love with an orphan girl (Kakia Analyti). His family does not approve of their affair, but he insists and manage...
Journalist Hatice was raised as the daughter of Turkish immigrants who take pride in their successful integration into German society. Nevertheless, her father Ismail still sticks to some Anatolian tr...
I. The Kozloduy NPP building. View of the complex. The first reactor in operation. Construction of the plant - scaffolding, couring of concrete, installation of machines, etc.– II. The field of a co...
It is an articulated film comprised of three free-standing stories with a common theme: the attitude of the Greeks under the yoke of a foreign power. The Clock, the first story, is a comedy set on the...
Synopsis Kyriakoulis, an EOKA fighter, is arrested by the British. In order to take revenge, his comrades kidnap David (Kostas Kastanas), son of a British woman (Zorz Sarri) who is friends with the...
Postman Antonis (Orestis Makris) with Froso, his grumpy wife (Nelli Marselou) and his daughter Toula (Nelly Mavropoulou) live in a house with a yard in the district of Plaka, Athens. The same yard sha...
A multicolored poster made by N. Andreakos, dominated by the leading actor, Nikos Kourkoulos. His name is registered on the poster’s upper side, on the left: “Nikos Kourkoulos”, and below it a s...