Finlandia-katsaus 65
Alternativ tittel: Finlandia Survey No 65
Sjanger: lyhyt katsaus / Newsreel
År: 1945
Lengde: 07: 17 :00
Beskrivelse: Mia Backman (1855-1958) celebrating 50 years as an actress. Bandy match: Sweden v. Finland, A teams. Radio commentary by Martti Jukola (1900-1952): Sweden wins 5–2. Finland v. Sweden, B teams. Sweden wins 6–1. Suomen Latu, the Finnish Association for Recreational Sports and Outdoor Activities, promotes skiing to Finns.
Nøkkelord: taiteilijat / Backman, Mia / urheilu / jääpallo / hiihto / actresses / Backman, Mia / sports / bandy / cross-country skiing
Leverandør: Kansallinen Audiovisuaalinen Arkisto
Produksjonsselskap: Finlandia Kuva Oy
Farge: Black & White
Sound: With sound
Originalformat: Video/mpeg
Language: fi