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Alternativ tittel: Dreams and Destiny
År: 1961
Beskrivelse: Viktoras Aškelovičius the father of ballerina Leokadija Aškelovičiūtė. Ballerina Leokadija Aškelovičiūtė. The Ballet studio in Pioneer Palace which L.Aškelovičiūtė attended. L.Aškelovičiūtė rehearses in ballet class at the Conservatoire of Vilnius. The teacher, ballerina Genovaitė Sabaliauskaitė teaches young ballerinas. Aškelovičiai family at home in the evening reads letters from Leokadija from Leningrad. The first performance of L.Aškelovičiūtė in Vilnius Opera and Ballet Theatre. The history of communist, a member of underground activity Povilas Mackevičius family. Family’s photos. The prison in which was held P.Mackevičius. Film footage from 1940 rallies after Lithuania annexed by the USSR. Filmed episodes from World War II. Photographs depicting the creation of the 16 th Lithuanian division. P.Mackevičius son Sergey - student remembers his father, killed in battle at the Oryol. S.Mackevičius with his mother attends his father's grave in Tula (Russia) fraternal cemetery. Film story about the Lithuanian land which belongs to everyone. “Naujo gyvenimo” ("New Life") collective farm agronomist Romas Žiulys inspects the farm. R.Žiulys family’s house and land. Filmed reports from 1940 after Lithuania was annexed by the USSR and the land was divided between the farmers. Film story about R.Žiulys father - the Deputy of Soviet People's which was killed by the Lithuanian resistance fighters.
Nøkkelord: Ekonomika / Istoriniai įvykiai / Kapinės / Kariuomenė / Menas / Mokslas / Politika / Žemės ūkis / Economy / Historical events / Military / Science / Politics
Leverandør: Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybės Archyvas
Rettigheter: In Copyright / Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybes Archyvas
Farge: Black & White
Director: Viktoras Starošas
Sound: With sound
Related Names
- Leokadija Aškelovičiūtė | Participant
- Romas Žiulys | Participant
- Sergejus Mackevičius | Participant
- Genovaitė Sabaliauskaitė | Participant
- Viktoras Aškelovičius | Participant
- Leonidas Braslavskis | Screenplay
- Viktoras Starošas | Director
- Viktoras Starošas | Director of photography
- Kazys Zabulis | Sound supervisor
- Jonas Navakauskas | Music composer
- R.Tchužnickas | Producer