The film is set around the time of the Battle of Crete and the Cretan resistance against the German occupation during World War II. The plot revolves around the kidnapping of Tasoula Vardinogianni by...
A film adaptation of a play written by Dimitris Ioannopoulos. The director, Antonis Papadantonakis, was known for his cheap, shoddy films as well as his conceit over how he could always get the equipm...
Another production based on the same operetta, with a mixed cast this time – actors from both stage and screen, as well as artists from the opera. Despite the time of the production, the film still ...
Eighteen-year-old Sasha and his younger friends Kotsian and Panagiotis are in the center of a group of Russian-Pontian migrants from Kazakhstan who live in Menidi and dream of conquering the world. Sa...
Two young friends (Dimitra Matsouka and Anna Mascha) leave their husbands (Konstantinos Markoulakis and Kleon Grigoriadis) and decide to live together. They fall in love with each other, and, at the s...