A German propaganda film that mocks the British Empire's expansion of its colonies in South Africa, Egypt, India and Jamaica. The film hits a darker note when John Bull turns from chubby Brit into a h...
G. W. Pabst’s anti-war classic tells the story of four German soldiers on the Western Front in France in the last year of the First World War. The Bavarian sees the war primarily as an adventure. Th...
An airship returns to its squadron. Unaware of the looming danger, a young man dreams of his future. He is a talented inventor who has perfected an astonishing flying machine, which he is about to try...
Unidentified German film containing footage from WWI: RAF double decker "Mauritius III", the crew of a German submarine on deck, German and British waterplanes, German soldiers with gas masks ...
"Der Feind hört mit" is a propaganda film showing the unintentional effects of a negligent comment made by one German radio operator which causes the loss of many German lives. The slogan "Feind hör...
Herbst 1918, das Ende des Krieges zeichnet sich ab. Ein junger Fähnrich erlebt die erste Liebe und kurz darauf die Meuterei eines ganzen Regiments ruthenischer, polnischer und galizischer Soldaten. E...
Pathé-Journal newsreel on the assassination of Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife Sophie on the 28th of June 1914. Shown are the Franz Joseph st...
Der französische Kriegsspielfilm Verdun – Visions d’histoire von Léon Poirier wurde 1927/28 an den historischen Stätten von Verdun inszeniert. Der Film läuft 1929 als Verdun. Das Heldentum zwe...