Finlandia-katsaus 484
Andere titel(s): Finlandia Review 484
Genre: lyhyt katsaus / Newsreel
Jaar: 1960
Speelduur: 08:00:00
Beschrijving: Reino Hirviseppä (Palmroth) reporting on Finlandia Newsreel 484, a historic document. On 3 September 1960, President Urho Kekkonen turned 60. Cameras followed the president throughout his birthday, from early morning until the evening. The birthday celebrations were expected to be simple, but a surprise guest from the Soviet Union, Prime Minister Nikita Khrushchev, arrived at 2 pm to pay his respects. About 40 cinematographers and photographers documented the visit. More than 140,000 citizens signed a book of greetings for President Kekkonen. The birthday climaxed with celebrations at the National Theatre. The film that documented the celebrations of President Kekkonen’s 60th birthday consisted of the exterior of the Presidential Palace on 3 September 1960, the government, parliament, diplomatic corps, and generals congratulate the president; the editors of the book on Kekkonen, citizens, sport organisations, the Finnish Gymnastics and Sports Federation, Khrushchev, and friends (e.g., Eljas Erkko, politician and journalist, and Risto Orko, film director and producer) wish the president a happy birthday, and birthday celebrations at the National Theatre.
Trefwoorden: presidentit / Kekkonen, Urho Kaleva / syntymäpäivät / Hruštšov, Nikita / presidents / Kekkonen, Urho Kaleva / birth days / Khrushchev, Nikita
Provider: Kansallinen Audiovisuaalinen Arkisto
Productiemaatschappij: Suomi-Filmi Oy
Kleur: Black & White
Sound: With sound
Type document :
Origineel formaat: Video/mpeg
Language: fi