This is a dramatized documentary referring to an ancient act of worship, sacrifice to the gods, as seen in its contemporary manifestation and survival in the Christian religion and through the eyes of...
Two friends (Takis Moschos and Minas Chatzisavvas) live together in the house which was turned over to them by a third friend (Thanasis Mylonas). They follow a peculiar rhythm of life, spending their ...
A multi-talented artist named Grigoris Semitekolo moves to the island of Samos to get away from the noisy modern world and feel his childhood innocence again. A girl guides him around the island and b...
This film is about life at a country health resort seen through the eyes of Christos, a young man from Athens who has just been discharged from the army. Christos is there because he is enthralled by ...
A leftist professor (Akis Sakellariou) meets three illegal Albanian immigrants. The four of them bond, and their friendship causes problems between the professor and his family. He insists on his view...
A partisan fighter saves 70 villagers from the firing squad during the German occupation. When he falls into a gorge trying to escape his pursuers, the villagers consider him dead and erect a statue i...
Two siblings grow up without their parents and are placed in various institutions. Their life is a hard process of maturing, being separated and reunited over and over again. Eventually, they drive of...
The film narrates the funny incidents in a day in the life of a Greek employee (Petros Zarkadis) during his day-off. The petty vanity of actions and behaviors, the irrationality and the chaotic bureau...