In Paris, in the 1970s, a cinematographer prepares a film dedicated to the life of a Greek woman, a member of the national resistance. A group of intellectuals contribute to the screenplay and the pro...
Eleni is a very beautiful girl from Mani, who studies music in Athens and falls in love with Alan, her sensitive teacher who is helping her prepare for a contest called “Silver Rose”. At Easter, E...
On the island of Chios in the 1960s and a few days before schools close for the summer vacations, the friendship between Giannis and Vangelis is overshadowed by a minor misunderstanding. Before long, ...
The struggle and heroic end of Grigorios Dikaios Flessas (Dimitris Papamichail) in Maniaki, during the fight with the troops of Ibrahim Pasha. The fighter is engraved in History as Papaflessas, the he...
At the end of the 19th century, Turkish-occupied Macedonia and its Greek population suffer two times more since the Bulgarian commintern members are active in the area in parallel with the Turkish for...
The film is a dramatized documentary, a study that revives life at Spinalogka, the exile of the lepers. We watch romantic and emotional adventures, ideological and sentimental conflicts featuring the ...