The heroine of the film is Lena, an innocent seventeen-year-old girl who has just left school and dreams of becoming an actress, in spite of her mother, who wants to see her married to Takis, a poor y...
When Stephanos (Thanasis Vengos), a dismal employee at a registry office, arrives on Poros on holiday, he is warmly welcomed because of his name – which is the same as that of the famous poet, for w...
A wealthy widow from the Egyptian diaspora, Zozianna - the so-called baroness – returns to Greece from Aden where she has been living. Although she used to be a beautiful woman in her youth, now she...
A taxi-driver (Georgia Vasileiadou), with the help of a friend of hers who works at a kiosk and supplies her with gossip, as well as with the help of another friend, impersonates a medium and does a t...
A working-class neighborhood in Piraeus is the setting for the story of a hard-working young man (Giorgos Fountas) who finds himself entangled in illegal dealings with a fraudster (Stefanos Stratigos)...
A blundering provincial (Thanasis Vengos) comes to Athens and does any job he is offered, without, however, being able to settle in one job because of his mentality and his naiveté. In the end, he ev...
A working-class neighborhood in Piraeus is the setting for the story of a hard-working young man (Giorgos Fountas) who finds himself entangled in illegal dealings with a fraudster (Stefanos Stratigos)...
Two bosom-buddies (Kostas Voutsas and Sotiris Moustakas) become wealthy, but their lack of education and inability to find a romantic partner casts a shadow over their social allure. To avoid being ca...