Young Aliki, after the death of her father, Mr. Nestoras, who was the general administrator of a theatrical company, takes the road to Athens with her sole companion Arapis, her dog. The orphaned girl...
Barry, a wretched playboy, expects to get rich from the legacy of an uncle of his, the king of roast meat sauce, but his lawyer informs him that the secret of the sauce recipe has been lost along with...
The young orphan Aliki is entrusted by her grandfather to the care of a wealthy childless couple. Several years later, Aliki falls in love with the waiter at a nightclub, who is also a medical student...
Aliki and Kostas meet one summer on the island of Poros, where they have gone on a trip, each one with their friends. The one is charmed by the other and agree to meet again, but the date they arrange...
A rich man, Loukas (Manos Filippidis), lives happily with his wife (Sofia Vempo), a refugee woman from the Caucasus, and their daughter. When a cousin of his pays them a visit, accompanied by a charmi...
The figure of Aliki Vougiouklaki dominates this poster. It’s a bust portrait of her wearing a black dress and headdress. On her left shoulder she carries a pitcher, while she looks at right. In the ...
The entire poster is taken up by the two leading actors, Aliki Vougiouklaki and Andreas Barkoulis, in a romantic scene. A black-and-white photograph on a painted background depicts Akropolis in duoton...
The poster is dominated by the figure of Aliki Vougiouklaki, who is depicted semi-naked, holding before her chest a straw hat that covers her naked body, and giving a coy grimace. Next to her, the two...
The poster is signed by the graphic artist and advertiser Pissanos. The poster consists of a collage of photographs of representative scenes from the film against a green background. The title of the ...