I. 'LORD FRENCH AT LIVERPOOL. The Lancashire Volunteer Regiment being reviewed by Field-Marshal Lord French outside the Adelphi Hotel'. French inspects ranks of men fallen in on cobbled street - troll...
I. 'GENERAL Pétain. The French Commander-in-Chief receives a bouquet from a school girl. Decorating the Flag of the 410th Regiment of Infantry.' A woman approaches Pétain and gives him a written pap...
I. MS of group posed for the camera - Amelie is a tall woman, taller than the two civic dignitaries who stand to either side. The ex-Queen inspects the Guides (they are very young - Brownies ?). A sma...
I. 'DIFFICULTIES OF TRANSPORT. Some of the troubles to be overcome by the transport to keep in touch with the advancing troops.' Wagons, carts, 18-pounder artillery and a convoy of motor lorries pass ...
I. 'QUEEN AMONG THE TANKS. Wonderful of Her Majesty inspecting a Tankodrome in France.' Queen Mary stands with the usual retinue by a line of Mk IV tanks - it is a sunny day and she holds a parasol. S...
I. 'YOUNG SEA DOGS OF PORT OF LONDON. Rear Admiral Halsey C.B. Third Sea Lord inspects Sea Scouts and Roll of Honour of the Lads' fathers and brothers at Limehouse.' Rear-Admiral Halsey inspects a tro...
I. 'Heroes of Mons. Soldiers who have done their bit for England receiving their discharge prior to their return to civil life.' War Department Daimler lorry pulls up and soldiers get out with their p...
I. 'WHY THE GERMAN FLEET IS IDLE. A fear of the British Leviathans which make mutiny in the German Navy preferable to action.' LS off the port beam of HMS Collingwood and pan right to Orion Class batt...
Alice Verden
Still from "Christa Hartungen"
Gustav Fröhlich, Lars Hanson (from left to right)
Ossi Oswalda, Julius Dewald
Screenshot from "Die Lokomobil-Fabrik R. Wolf Magdeburg-Buckau"
Szene aus "Der rote Baron"
Alice Verden, Erich Ponto
Still from "Reingefallen"
Horst Emscher, Der Film im Dienste der Politik, Der Kinematograph, 410, (1914), S. 15-16. Der Autor hebt hervor, dass die Kriegsführung auf publizistischer Ebene, mit der die Meinung des Auslands bee...
Edgar Költsch, Die Vorteile durch den Krieg für das Kinotheater, Der Kinematograph, 407, (1914), S. 11-12. Auch wenn es nicht so aussehe, habe das Kino durch den Krieg einen Aufschwung erlebt. Insbe...
Kritik aus Breslauer Zeitung (15.07.1917) zu Der Golem und die Tänzerin.
Monopolfilm-Vertriebs-GmbH..“Patriotisches Kriegs-Programm.“ Der Kinematograph 399 (1914): 5. Werbung für das aktuelle Filmprogramm der Monopolfilm GmbH.
Der Krieg auf der Ranch !, Der Kinematograph, 701 /02, (1920). Werbung für einen Western.
Das Wichtigste der Woche, Der Kinematograph, 670, (1919), S. 25-26. Seit dem 2.11.1919 gebe es in Berlin eine freiwillige Filmzensur. Die USPD habe im Reichstag den Antrag gemacht, die Kinos zu versta...