A mysterious woman (Alexandra Ladikou) arrives on the island of Patmos and is greeted with great enthusiasm by the local people. Gradually, she becomes integrated into the community, and while we lear...
In his documentary feature film Anselm Nathanael Pahnke tells of his bike trip through Africa. He first rode together with two friends, then continued his trip alone. The entire tour took 414 days dur...
Berna and his wife Julia, both well-known stage personalities, lead a pleasant life together with their little daughter Gonda until the moment that Berna meets the young actress Jeane Bachiloupi. He f...
This is a documentary about the creation of an artificial lake from the waters of the Mornos river in order to supply water to Athens, towards the end of 1970s. This project led to the abandonment of ...
Spot Nr. 1 (00:36): SIEMENS BILDMEISTER "Farbtreu Fernsehen": „Experience the world in color. True-color television with Siemens.“ Logo with rainbow-colored circle arranged as a mobile. Demonstrat...
An island girl (Stella Greka) comes from her island to Athens and ends up singing in a cabaret. There she meets a seaman, Vasos (Lampros Konstantaras). The temptations of the city will not succeed in ...
A rich man, Loukas (Manos Filippidis), lives happily with his wife (Sofia Vempo), a refugee woman from the Caucasus, and their daughter. When a cousin of his pays them a visit, accompanied by a charmi...
This films tells four different stories, all connected by the banks of a river. Three bandits steal a cross and, while trying to cross the river, one of them (Titos Vandis) gets lost along with the lo...
The poster is predominated by seaside scenery, in front of which three men are dancing, steadying themselves on each other’s shoulders. On the poster’s upper part, the title of the film reads in r...