Andreas is a robust and successful businessman. However, he suspects that his wife, Christina, is having an affair with the author Alexis Romanos, who is an old friend and fellow-student of his. Despi...
A poor girl (Christina Sylva) and a rich medical student (Lefteris Vournas) fall in love with each other and have a little girl, who becomes the deciding factor in the couple’s happiness.
During the period of the Nazi occupation, a little girl is adopted by a family that already has a daughter. The two girls grow up together; they lose touch and find each other again. Finally, each one...
Vasilis Maras (Vasilakis Kailas) is a poor orphan child whose father has died and who wants to study - so he works as a shoe-shine boy. His mother Anna (Rita Myrat), who was working as a maid in a wea...