Simon Schwarz, Sebastian Bezzel (left to right) in "Sauerkrautkoma" (2018)
Simon Schwarz, Sebastian Bezzel (from left to right) in "Schweinskopf al dente" (2015/2016)
Sebastian Bezzel, Robert Palfrader (from left to right) in "Dampfnudelblues" (2012/13)
Ilse Neubauer, Sebastian Bezzel in "Dampfnudelblues" (2012/13)
Sebastian Bezzel, Enzi Fuchs (second from the right) in "Winterkartoffelknödel" (2014)
Sebastian Bezzel, Simon Schwarz (left to right) in "Guglhupfgeschwader" (2022)
Simon Schwarz, Sebastian Bezzel (from left to right) in "Dampfnudelblues" (2012/13)
Sebastian Bezzel, Simon Schwarz (left to right) in "Kaiserschmarrndrama" (2020)