This dramatized documentary features Lavrion (an industrial town) while tracing the lives of two men; a mineral collector and a university student (Nikos Vourlakos and Petros Alatzas). The former wand...
A typist meets a young man who works at a garage and who pretends to be an important businessman. She does the same thing, pretending to be the daughter of her industrialist boss. In the end, everythi...
A student named Maria takes the train to Athens to sell books. In reality, however, she is a prostitute by the name of Ilektra and is on her way to meet her clients. She falls in love with an acrobat ...
Α closed social system is ruled by a caste of lords: priests, ambassadors, politicians, bankers and servicemen. All of them prostitute themselves for the possession of power just as naturally as they...
The search for a missing woman gives an Athenian lawyer, Manos – who is suffocating in his marriage to Kynthia – the opportunity to travel to Epirus. Leaving his familiar surroundings, he gradual...