In Paris, in the 1970s, a cinematographer prepares a film dedicated to the life of a Greek woman, a member of the national resistance. A group of intellectuals contribute to the screenplay and the pro...
This is a compilation film consisting of three stories, rendered with a sense of humor, romanticism and tragedy, all of which are supposedly born of the kind of life that forces girls, like the heroin...
Three sisters (Martha Karagianni, Nora Valsami and Martha Vourtsi), each one in a different way, search for love. The first one leaves her crooked friend for the sake of a hard-natured harbormaster (K...
The film is set in Athens in 1964. Nikos Avgeris is a reporter assigned to cover a suspicious car accident that cost the life of a top-ranking government official. He finds out from his inquiries that...
Geralis (Nikos Kourkoulos), a conscientious neurosurgeon who is dedicated to his science and his child, is called upon to perform brain surgery on a patient with a brain tumor. The operation is a succ...
Chronis Moros, a typical coffee house owner, is married to the snooty Theodora (or “Dora” as she wishes to be called), who feels sorry for herself for marrying someone inferior. Lefteris, his youn...
Alexis Sigridis finds himself accused of the murder of Kostas Giamakis. Martha Antoniou, the mother of Aliki (fiancée of the victim) testifies in court that her daughter and Alexis were planning to m...
A leftist professor (Akis Sakellariou) meets three illegal Albanian immigrants. The four of them bond, and their friendship causes problems between the professor and his family. He insists on his view...