In a village a woman catches her husband red-handed with an unfortunate orphan named Marigo, who is then exposed to public ridicule and forced to flee to Athens. In Athens, Marigo gets a job as a hous...
The district attorney Filippos Lianas takes on a major murder trial. The advocate for Sofia Roussou (who is accused of murdering the painter Alexis Platonidis, a white slaver known as Ariel) keeps adm...
After many years of working as a seaman, Andreas (Nikos Xanthopoulos) returns to his island in order to clear his dead father’s name, pay off his debts and take back the family fishing boat. Giannis...
An unscrupulous hit-and-run driver fatally injures a woman and leaves her to die. The victim was the wife of Kostas Kyriazis (Kostas Kazakos), an examiner, who, six years later, is called upon to clea...
After the death of her stepfather, a refugee from Pontos (the Turkish Black Sea Coast), Eleni comes to Athens to find her real father, who disappeared during the expulsion of Greeks from Asia Minor. O...
A policeman (Nikos Kourkoulos) tries to solve the murder of his brother, a pianist and morphine addict, and, as a member of the Narcotics Squad, is trying to locate the head of a narcotics ring. And ...
The poor Athenian neighborhood of Asyrmatos is the center of the world for the people who live there and who are trying to escape from poverty and deprivation. Rikos, a young man (Alekos Alexandrakis)...
Two partisans who belong to ELAS are trying to return home after the destruction of their unit by the national army. They are pursued by the gendarmerie, the security forces and the army. In the cours...
The upper part of the poster is taken up by black-and-white photographs of portraits of the film’s actors: Dionysis Papagiannopoulos, Manos Katrakis, Niki Triantafyllidou, Giorgos Tzortzis and other...