Liliana, a convent-school girl, invites her girlfriend Gigetta to meet her brother, Lieutenant George. Gigetta and George fall immediately in love but an unexpected event hinders their marriage. Durin...
After seven years of travelling, Aeneas and the other Trojans are surprised by a storm that wrecks their ship on the African coast. Here they are captured by the Amazons of the Queen of Carthage, Dido...
The film, based on Beaumarchais’ comedy “The Marriage of Figaro”, is led by an exceptional cast: Gigetta Morano, Eleuterio Rodolfo and Ernesto Vaser. The director Luigi Maggi was a key figure of...
Arabace, the high priest, loves a patrician woman named Jone, who instead is in love with Glauco, a young Roman. Glauco hosts in his house a poor blind girl called Nidia who is secretly infatuated wit...
Cinema italiano - Cinema muto - Ritratti