
Rok: 1939
Popis: Social drama about a street urchin made good. Boefje, published in 1903, is M.J. Brusse's most popular book. It tells the story of Jan Grovers, a street urchin from Rotterdam with a heart of gold who ends up in a reform school in the southern province of Brabant. Rumours about a screen version of the book had been doing the rounds for years but it wasn't until 1935 that it actually happened. The role of Boefje went to 45 year old (!) actress Annie van Ees who had played the part on stage to great acclaim for many years. Detlef Sierck directed the film and left before the film's premiere to go to the States where he became the renowned director Douglas Sirk.
Klíčová slova: 2 oktober 1939 / 4 oktober 1939 / 1 september 1945 / 3 november 1943 / 26 juli 1940 / Rotterdam / Noord-Brabant / Nederland / kindertehuizen / pastoors / kinderbescherming
Poskytovatel: EYE Filmmuseum (The Netherlands)
Práva: In Copyright - EU Orphan Work
Produkční společnost: City Film (Amsterdam/Den Haag)
Director: Douglas Sirk
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