The poster is signed by the graphic artist and advertiser Pissanos. The poster consists of a collage of photographs of representative scenes from the film against a green background. The title of the film can be read at the bottom of the poster in black and red capital letters against a yellow background. A little above the title, on the same yellow background, the phrase “Direction D. Dadiras” is recorded. Next to the director, the phrase “Copyrights Dim. Plagiannos, 98 Akadimias street – tel. 622405, Athens” appears in a black frame. Next to the title’s letters, a small photograph of Tzeni Karezi in an outline is inserted, showing her embracing a German officer. At the poster’s top left, in white capital letters against a green background, a message is recorded: “An immortal film that honors Greek cinema”. Below, two black-and-white photographs are inserted. One of Alekos Alexandrakis in a scene from the film, placed in a white circular frame, and another of the two leading actors, Tzeni Karezi and Alekos Alexandrakis, in an outline. Next to the leading actors, the following names are listed, in white capital letters: “Tzeni Karezi, Alekos Alexandrakis, Andreas Zisimatos, Music and Songs Manos Chatzidakis”. Below, on a red strip, the title of the film is recorded in English, in black letters: “The Brave’s Island”. The right part of the poster is taken up by two rectangular black-and-white photographs from the film, in a black frame. The upper one depicts an interrogation scene by a German officer, and the lower an execution scene by the German occupation army. The graphic artist signs sidelong on the extreme right: “Pissanos” and on the extreme left: “Grafikai Technai “EFE PHOTO-OFFSET””.
Signed by Pissanos and Grafikes Technes EFE, the poster provides information regarding the crew of the cinematic creation and attempts to convey the film’s antinazi character, combining a collage of photographs with big black, red and white letters.
Další název/názvy: ΝΗΣΙ ΤΩΝ ΓΕΝΝΑΙΩΝ (ΤΟ)
Datum vytvoření: 1959
Popis: The poster is signed by the graphic artist and advertiser Pissanos. The poster consists of a collage of photographs of representative scenes from the film against a green background. The title of the film can be read at the bottom of the poster in black and red capital letters against a yellow background. A little above the title, on the same yellow background, the phrase “Direction D. Dadiras” is recorded. Next to the director, the phrase “Copyrights Dim. Plagiannos, 98 Akadimias street – tel. 622405, Athens” appears in a black frame. Next to the title’s letters, a small photograph of Tzeni Karezi in an outline is inserted, showing her embracing a German officer. At the poster’s top left, in white capital letters against a green background, a message is recorded: “An immortal film that honors Greek cinema”. Below, two black-and-white photographs are inserted. One of Alekos Alexandrakis in a scene from the film, placed in a white circular frame, and another of the two leading actors, Tzeni Karezi and Alekos Alexandrakis, in an outline. Next to the leading actors, the following names are listed, in white capital letters: “Tzeni Karezi, Alekos Alexandrakis, Andreas Zisimatos, Music and Songs Manos Chatzidakis”. Below, on a red strip, the title of the film is recorded in English, in black letters: “The Brave’s Island”. The right part of the poster is taken up by two rectangular black-and-white photographs from the film, in a black frame. The upper one depicts an interrogation scene by a German officer, and the lower an execution scene by the German occupation army. The graphic artist signs sidelong on the extreme right: “Pissanos” and on the extreme left: “Grafikai Technai “EFE PHOTO-OFFSET””.
Signed by Pissanos and Grafikes Technes EFE, the poster provides information regarding the crew of the cinematic creation and attempts to convey the film’s antinazi character, combining a collage of photographs with big black, red and white letters.
Poskytovatel: Tainiothiki tis Ellados
Typ dokumentu: Poster