During his summer vacation on the island of Mytilene, a young and lonely employee, Kostas, becomes infatuated with a femme fatale, Anna, a thirty-five-year-old German woman who is married to a rich lo...
Two soldiers (Giorgos Ninios and Vangelis Liodakis) return home after the completion of their service. A scuffle, however, changes their life. One of them gets killed, and the other shoots and kills t...
A successful model abandons the world of fashion to marry her beloved. A little before the wedding, their relationship goes through a serious crisis, when they meet a wealthy and enigmatic man.
A crippled pimp named Johnny Keln (Christos Tsagkas) brings prostitute Mitsi (Tatiana Lygari) and her daughter Sonia (Maria Baketea) to Athens. His old friends think he’s a washout, and he faces con...
Aliki, granddaughter of a destitute fisherman, captain Kostis, meets one day at the beach an unscrupulous bad guy, Papoulas, who tries to rape her, but she is saved by a young man who accompanies him,...
Five people: a French archaeologist, his Greek assistant, his daughter, a journalist who is his daughter’s friend and an old teacher who is a permanent resident of the area meet at an archaeological...
A chemist (Giota Festa) who works in a paint factory discovers that a toxic dye has been used in the production of children’s toys. Only her two sisters stand by her during this difficult ordeal; th...
A widow (Irene Papas) becomes much closer to her son (Stratos Tzortzoglou), thanks to a series of events and incidents in which the most unlikely characters are involved. The mother falls in love, aft...