Newsreel 287 of February 1956 shows a single topic: the return of Porkkala to Finland. Finnish troops marching into Porkkala headland on 26 January after the transfer protocol has been signed in Helsi...
Ford Motor Company in Finland, 30 years, anniversary exhibition at the Helsinki Exhibition Hall. Hungarian timber men in Finland at Thomé’s Forestry Office Ltd. Finnish officer delegation departing...
The president of Junior Chamber International in Helsinki. Bishop Gulin consecrates the Scout Flag in the Lutheran Cathedral. Munkkiniemi (a Helsinki district) Day procession. New water tower in Lappe...
Finnish–Swedish music festival in Turku. Fire Brigade Day in Turku. 1000th launch at the Crichton-Vulcan Shipyard. Summer in Porkkala. Cleaning the chimney at the Sunila pulp factory. Clown diving c...
Mr Tage Erlander, Prime Minister of Sweden, in Finland. M/S Oslofjord in Helsinki. Swedish ‘snake king’ at the Helsinki School of Economics. Army cadets familiarising themselves with Navy activiti...
The Italian luxury liner Andrea Doriani shipwrecked on the Atlantic. President Voroshilov visits Finland: arrival at Helsinki Railway Station. Drive to the Presidential Palace and greeting the crowds....
Pesäpallo (Finnish baseball) match, East Finland v. West Finland, at Hesperia stadium. Christine Jörgensen, the woman who went through a sex-change operation. Death of President Vargas of Brazil. At...
Glimpses from the Finnish Festival Games in Helsinki.