The latest electric locomotives, the 2D2 5500 combines comfort, speed and safety. The film follows the production, the routing and the transformation of the electric energy necessary for modern electr...
This first serial has five topics: "Remembrance" shows the inauguration of two nameplate to commemorate the deportees and the return from the concentration camps. In "On behalf of France", the General...
Apprentices's celebration at the Vélodrome d'hiver (parade in front of the official stand and folk entertainment) ; exhibition on urban planning ; reminder of the importance of respect for safety for...
The episode shows how cinema is used in SNCF's technical research. The tests are filmed and studied by the technicians, who can thus make the necessary modifications during the construction, for an op...
This episode presents the rail transport of automobiles ; the comfort of new armchairs ; the possibility of renting places in advance ; the shooting of technical tests ; the reconstruction of housing ...
This episode shows SNCF's packaging laboratory ; presentation of a new drill ; congress in Annecy focusing on prototype locomotives.
The episode shows the reconstruction of the Ney Boulevard bridge over the Gare du Nord ; the exceptional transports made by particularly long trains ; the electrification of the Paris-Lyon line in Jun...
The trip of the Mistral train from Paris to Marseille/Nice illustrates the recent improvements of the French trains.