Musical comedy about a kind-hearted piano tuner with a mildly ironic outlook on life. Janus Fortuin is a poor but contented piano tuner who lives in Amsterdam with his wife and daughter Polly. Polly'...
Count De Grancé and his wife have two degenerate children. For their adolescent daughter there is still some hope, as her main vice appears to be that she devours the novels of Emile Zola. The son le...
Der stets gut gelaunte Tobias und der gut aussehende Ernst führen zwar eine recht chaotische Beziehung, sind letztlich aber ein echtes Traumpaar. Mit vereinten Kräften meistern sie Widrigkeiten des ...
In "1914" we are introduced to three families, two in a big city, one in the country. The De Roquevilles are well-to-do people living an extravagant life. The other city dwellers are the family of Jea...
After the death of Gaston de Roqueville, Ninette marries the new manager of the Roqueville Steel-Works, Jean Ducrot. Mario Laurent, thanks to his important invention, has managed to regain a worthy po...
Romantic comedy about a secretary and the disinherited son of a baron. In De Kribbebijter, Willy, the son of a baron, sets his sights on an untitled girl. He marries her in spite of his extremely cur...
Jess Newton, expecting to spend her holidays alone at her boarding school in England, receives a letter from her father asking her to come to him. Since the death of his wife, Mr Newton has been prosp...
Die Teenager Nadja und Lara sind beste Freundinnen. Sie sind es leid, sich von Männern erniedrigen zu lassen und wollen der Frauenwelt die Augen öffnen. Ihr Plan ist, über einschlägige Chatforen p...
Max Ernst
Max Ernst
Max Ernst
Szene aus "Ernst Thälmann - Führer seiner Klasse"
Szene mit Max Ernst (rechts)
Günther Simon (rechts)
Szene aus "Ernst Thälmann - Sohn seiner Klasse"
Szene mit Max Ernst