This film is a parody of the TV series The Night Rider, where the hero tries to become like his famous colleague Michael Knight. Michael Sharp-Eyed is deeply mired in debt, and while almost on the ver...
Mitsos, in an effort to keep the matchmaking agency he inherited from his mother, disguises himself and performs all kinds of tricks in order to keep his clients happy. One day, he also gets his chanc...
Taking advantage of the fact that he has the same name as a well-known industrialist and with the help of a woman friend of his, Panos (Panos Michalopoulos) goes on a cruise, hoping to win the hearts ...
A wrestler (Stefanos Stratigos) falls in love with a rich girl (Gkelly Mavropoulou). When he loses an important match, suffering, at the same time, possible paralysis from a dangerous tackle, the girl...
Two bosom-buddies (Kostas Voutsas and Sotiris Moustakas) become wealthy, but their lack of education and inability to find a romantic partner casts a shadow over their social allure. To avoid being ca...