Animated feature based on the eponymous novel by David Safier. The members of the Wünschmann family are constantly arguing with each other, and they all have reasons to be upset: Mother Emma's bookst...
It happens at their own wedding of all places: Baba Yaga and her fiancé Renfield are kidnapped by the monster hunter Elvira van Helsing. To get the bride and groom back, the Wünschmann family once a...
A farce in which Ms. Murphy finds that a horseshoe brings her anything but happiness. Ms. Murphy finds a horseshoe and brings it home. She thinks the horseshoe will bring her happiness. First she get...
Michael Haneke's ensemble film portrays a family: In Calais, the aging, well-off Georges Laurent is living under one roof with several generations of his family. Among them are his daughter Anne, who ...
A compilation showing the McLachlan family's caravan holidays around Scotland over several years during the 1950s.
The action of the film takes place in June 1948. A group of Yugoslav students sent in USSR to be educated are coming back after the conflict between the two countries. Among the others who decide to r...
Recruitment in construction and for work in reopened brickyards after the war is presented through a contrast of scenes with lazy workers and those who are aware of the benefits of the work for their ...
Kosmas (Kostas Chatzichristos) is informed that his mother must undergo an operation. He asks for the help of a relative (Nikos Fermas) to cover the expenses. He is already having a difficult time fin...