A documentary film from the Jičín Region and from Prachovské skály (The Prachovské Rocks). The first part of the film is making its viewers familiar with the close vicinity of the town (the Trosk...
A parade of people wearing historical costumes is marching through the town of Nový Jičín. We can also see allegorical trucks in the parade.
A promotion film making its viewers familiar with the Prachovské Rocks, frequently visited by many visitors, as well as with the nearby town of Jičín and its historical sights.
a wagon with tradesmen that historically symbolizes the important Amber Road
a wagon with women spinners and a weaving loom
representatives of the blacksmith´s guild also participating in the parade
a wagon that represents the choral society
the town of Jičín - a market square
the ruins of old city walls of the town of Jičín
Korunovační kašna (Enthronement Fountain) in the Wallenstein Square in Jičín