An unemployed and deeply indebted young man, Antonis, is forced to disguise himself as a woman in order to find a job. By the name Kleopatra, and without telling his fiancée Sofia, he gets a job as a...
Zachos (Lampros Konstantaras) is a businessman who flirts with various women in his circle. Teta (Elia Kalligeraki), the daughter of one of the women Zachos pursues, has fallen in love with him but is...
A young man (Giorgos Pantzas) working at a cleaner’s dreams of becoming a film star and dresses up in the clothes he cleans. He sends pictures of himself wearing various outfits to film producers. P...
In their attempt to find the men of their dreams, a would-be singer and her widowed mother (Rena Vlachopoulou), an old diva, get people around them mixed up in a number of misunderstandings. In the en...
A lawyer named Savvas Tsiviklis gets a present from his ex-girlfriend Kiki Petachtidou, who has just returned from the Congo. The present consists of two small wooden lions, which he gives to a friend...
A rich man with an impotence problem becomes subject to manipulation by those around him. When he gives the keys to his villa to two women, he witnesses a murder. A series of cunning plots and secrets...
A maid (Marianna Kourakou) has an affair with a sexually troubled young man (Andreas Douzos) following his mother’s encouragement (Despo Diamantidou). The man overcomes his problems, but when the yo...
Antonis (Kostas Voutsas) the waiter loves Roula (Elia Kalligeraki), but her brother tries to prevent their union because of Antonis’ financial situation. When Antonis finds out that black servants a...