Two brotherly friends, Fotis and Kosmas (Mimis Fotopoulos and Ntinos Iliopoulos), are partners in a nightclub. Their main anxiety revolves around marrying off their sisters (Kaiti Gogou and Sofi Lamp...
Polyxeni (Niki Linardou) catches her husband (Gianis Gionakis) flirting with their young housekeeper (Anna Fonsou) and, enraged, fires the girl and abandons her husband. She goes to live at her parent...
It is a film adaptation of the theatrical play by Kostas Thrakiotis. Smaro, a pretty young islander, obstinately refuses to marry the man her father has chosen for her, and he reveals to her that she ...
A rich layabout, Faidon (Giorgos Pantzas), who is engaged to a girl (Clairi Deligianni) protests that he’s “never gone without”. When a couple (Eleni Anousaki and Giorgos Konstantinou) go to sta...
A woman is on trial for her husband’s murder and must prove her innocence.
This is a film adaptation of the play written by Georgios Roussos: The Lover is Coming. Potis Antonopoulos has a soap business that leaves him no time to take care of Lela, his wife. She follows the ...
A very decent and peaceful young man, Filippos, gives private lessons in English to two girls (Gina and Liza) to supplement his miserable income. The two girls work in a bar in Troumpa, a run-down ne...
A car electrician, Charis, spends all his money on tailors in order to give the appearance of a “lord”. He constantly fights with his brother, Vasilis, who is also a day laborer (painter), saddled...