Κostas is a charming and affluent young man who provides for his unaccomplished brothers as well as for his gregarious mother. He is in love with a young lawyer by the name of Marina. Both of them m...
In order to make some money, Panos (Andreas Ntouzos) becomes a sailor and leaves behind his wife (Angela Zileia) and their children (Vasilakis Kaïlas and Mairoula Evangelou). The money, however, is n...
A sympathetic watchmaker, Odysseas Akrivos, has arranged his life as regularly as clockwork. He lives with his son Angelos, a modern young man who plays music in a rock band, his daughter Katina, who ...
Giorgos (Kostas Kakkavas) quits his job at the garage to get involved in sales in order to be able to support his sister, who has a heart condition. He falls in love with Popi (Ntina Trianti) and, hop...
A rich man (Andreas Barkoulis) secretly marries his poor love (Christina Sylva) and presents her to his family as a maid. However, while he is abroad on a trip, his pregnant wife is thrown out of the ...
Kimon, an authoritarian entrepreneur, does not allow his young son, Minas, to have anything whatsoever to do with his activities as he considers him irresponsible and a good-for-nothing lazybones. Min...
In a small, secluded village, a woman on her deathbed reveals a secret to the village priest and entrusts him with her two children, Dimitris and Annoula. Years go by, and grown-up Dimitris goes to At...
A large group of people, with different idiosyncrasies, travel from Piraeus to New York on the ocean liner “Olympia”. During the voyage they get to know each other, experience entertaining moments...