A seamstress named Rena (Rena Vlachopoulou), unable to deliver a dress due to the strict safety measures of the hotel in which a famous football player named Julio Balmas (Nikos Galanos) is staying, g...
Three brothers (Kostas Voutsas, Giannis Vogiatzis and Christos Doxaras) watch over their sister (Zoe Laskari) like hawks, trusting only Giorgos (Faidon Georgitsis), a football player with whom they pl...
Young Aliki, after the death of her father, Mr. Nestoras, who was the general administrator of a theatrical company, takes the road to Athens with her sole companion Arapis, her dog. The orphaned girl...
Rena Eleftheriou, who is the director of a travel agency in New York, comes to Greece on holiday with Jenny, her pretty niece, and Jim Pappas, a Greek-American. Her brother needs funds to develop the ...
Aliki and Kostas meet one summer on the island of Poros, where they have gone on a trip, each one with their friends. The one is charmed by the other and agree to meet again, but the date they arrange...
The movie is about dictatorships in Greece – first, the Metaxas regime (1936-1940), and then the Colonels’ Junta (1967-74). In Part One, the Metaxas regime is depicted as a circus, where Thanasis ...
Greek-American Jim returns to Greece to open a tourist night club. In Athens he meets Kostas Pitouras (Kostas Voutsas), who sells souvenirs, and introduces him to his fiancée’s brother, Fotis Tsipo...