Om danskernes kamp mod den tyske besættelsesmagt. Filmen indledes af Christmas Møller.
Efter Genforeningen holder danske soldaters deres indtog i Nordslesvig. I Sønderborg marcherer soldaterne ind på et kaserneområde. Spejderne er med. Med det danske borgerskab i spidsen marcherer de...
Danskere, som døde i tyskernes koncentrationslejre, stedes til hvile i Danmark. Ligtoget kører gennem Flensborgs blomsterstrøede gader, gennem Kruså, hvor der afholdes sørgehøjtidelighed med tal...
Partier fra det gamle København omvinteren: Rosenborg. Foran Vor Frue kirke, Nørregade. Nyhavn med skibe, Gammel Strand, Søjlegang ved Christiansborg slot. Regensen. Indre by, domhuset. Svaner fodr...
Den italienske konge Viktor Emmanuel ankommer sammen med den danske kongefamilie til Københavns Rådhus i juni 1922. Rådhuspladsen flagsmykket. Senere ses de kongelige ved Glyptoteket, hvor der er g...
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...
FILMEN is the most important Danish film magazine from the early silent film period. The journal was published in the period 1912-1919 (with 24 issues per year)
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...
FILMEN is the most important Danish film magazine from the early silent film period. The journal was published in the period 1912-1919 (with 24 issues per year)
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...
FILMEN is the most important Danish film magazine from the early silent film period. The journal was published in the period 1912-1919 (with 24 issues per year)
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...