Inga und Baldvin haben Ärger mit ihren Nachbarn. Der Grund: Der gewaltige Baum im geliebten Garten des Paares raubt den gut situierten Nachbarn die Sonne. Bald entwickelt sich aus der vermeintlich ha...
Dokumentarfilm über die Karriere des deutschen Profi-Basketballers Dirk Nowitzki, der in Amerika zum einem der erfolgreichsten Korbjäger der National Basketball Association (NBA) wurde. Der Film erz...
Ein israelischer Filmemacher reist in ein Dorf mitten in der Wüste, um in der dortigen Bibliothek seinen neuesten Film vorzustellen. Eigentlich hat er mit dem Projekt längst abgeschlossen und denkt ...
Filmen er et modbillede til den mængde af forløjne billeder eller tavshed, der eksisterer om perioden det første halve år efter et barns fødsel. Den skildrer nogle af de problemer, tre forskellig...
Så tæt på kilden er den hoppende, dansende farvestrøm, at ingen figurer eller former kan fastholdes. Rystelsen over skabelsen er så stor, at bevægelsens jubel kun antyder, ikke fastholder, de mu...
Videodigt om nogle få minutters ro i sjælen: Jeg er halvt i drømme / halvt vågen / når jeg er helt alene / helt i fred / så ved jeg mere / end jeg troede / jeg vidste / om den dybere sammenhæn...
"Man skal overleve naturligt - "livet trodser alle farer", som Ostrovskij skrev, eller hvem det nu var der skrev det". Klara tilhører et sibirsk naturfolk, evenkerne, som oprindeligt rejste rundt i t...
"Leaning into the Wind - Andy Goldsworthy" (2017)
Szene aus "Korczak"
"Harald Naegeli - Der Sprayer von Zürich" (2021)
Frederick Lau, Katharina Thalbach in "Wuff - Folge dem Hund" (2018)
Uschi Glas, Walter Giller
Still with Saba Sahar (on the right)
"Alles Bob" (1999)
Jérémy Kapone
Animation film by Dusan Vukotic, one of the major Croatian animators and co-founder of Zagreb Film. A charming story about an old magician and all sorts of magic creatures that end up in the world of ...
Ralph and Edith Norton, two Protestant missionaries from Philadelphia, came to Britain for a period of three years to provide assistance to refugees and wounded Belgian soldiers from the war zone. Mon...
Subtitled "The work of the Department of the Director General Voluntary Organisations including the Camps Library". Introductory shot of the Director General Sir Edward Ward seated in his office in Sc...
Episode of the series "Aviation in Brescia": airplane exercises featuring the pilots Curtiss, Rougier, Calderara, Blériot and Cobianchi.
i. AMERICAN MISSION IN LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. DR PAGE WITH DELEGATES WHO WILL TELL U.S. OF OUR WAR WORK. U.S. Ambassador W.H. Page and his group embark from ship in Liverpool. They talk with women work...
Short reportage about seaplanes, stationed on an aircraft carrier. On the ship the seaplanes are repaired and getting ready. The seaplane is being lifted on board and takes off. Subsequently aerial sh...
Reportage about Austrian war ships and submarines. Images of life on board of the ship 'Tegetthof', navigation (with log and sextant), signals with flags, a torpedo boat flottilla at full speed and t...
A German officer addresses his men in a dugout. They emerge from the dugout and man their trench against an Australian attack. The Australians storm the trench and throw grenades down into the dugouts...