Since the 1910s, Oskar Barnack, the inventor of the Leica, has captured events around Wetzlar on film with his self-constructed film camera. He documented flood disasters, city festivals, medical expe...
Since the 1910s, Oskar Barnack, the inventor of the Leica, has captured events around Wetzlar on film with his self-constructed film camera. He documented flood disasters, city festivals, medical expe...
The documentary highlights the central importance of fertile soil as a source of food, a supplier of clean drinking water and fresh air to breathe. Despite its significance, man's actions - such as ag...
Since the 1910s, Oskar Barnack, the inventor of the Leica, has captured events around Wetzlar on film with his self-constructed film camera. He documented flood disasters, city festivals, medical expe...
French Prisoners of War II - Belgian Civilian Prisoners of War Since the 1910s, Oskar Barnack, the inventor of the Leica, has captured events around Wetzlar on film with his self-constructed film came...
Within a very short period of time, house walls are cast and then assembled on-site to form a house. In 1925, the city of Frankfurt approved a social housing programme conceived by city council Ernst ...
In 1925, the city of Frankfurt approved a social housing programme conceived by city council Ernst May which lead to the construction of 12,000 dwelling units. The settlements were developed on large ...
Der junge Marek beginnt ein Praktikum auf einem Containerschiff, das Kurs auf die Karibikinsel Martinique nimmt. Voller Erwartung und Vorfreude auf die "große weite Welt" tritt er die lange und arbei...
"August, der Halbstarke" (1956)
Ethel Orff, Ernst Lubitsch in "Meyer aus Berlin" (1918)
Ossi Oswalda, Ernst Lubitsch in "Schuhpalast Pinkus" (1916)
Ossi Oswalda, Ernst Lubitsch in "Prinz Sami" (1917)
"Ein Dichter in der Familie" (2005)
Ernst Lubitsch in "Der Blusenkönig" (1917)
Annette Ernst
Annette Ernst