Christoph Friedel (Pandora Film), Barbara Buhl (WDR), Albrecht Schuch, Carla Juri, Christian Schwochow (director), Roxane Duran, Claudia Steffen (Pandora Film), Petra Müller (Film- und Medienstiftung...
Florian Schmidt-Prange (producer, Tatami Films), Paula Beer, Moritz Leu, Theresa von Eltz (director), Jannis Niewöhner, Jella Haase, Clemens Schick, Benjamin Seikel (producer, C-Films) (from left to ...
Reportage over de bevrijding van Brussel. We zien de Duitsers per trein uit België vertrekken. (Gefilmd op een afstand, vermoedelijk vanuit een verdekte opstelling.) Dan zien we hoe de Duitsers Bruss...
Funeral of cardinal Mercier.
The problems of racial integration in the time of the Black Panthers.
Biographical film about Belgian politician Camille Huysmans.
Biographical film about Belgian politician Camille Huysmans.
Da den svenskfødte sanger Jussi Björling døde i 1960, blot 49 år gammel, havde han opnået et internationalt renommé som en af operahistoriens største tenorer. Og som en af Enrico Carusos få v...
Som selvlært sanger var den danskfødte Helge Rosvænge (1897-1972) noget af en ener blandt operatenorernes verdenselite. Efter debuten i 1921 virkede Rosvænge mest i Tyskland og Østrig, hvor han m...
23241 - Dormans - Pont coupé (Département Marne)
23219 - Blérancourt, Saint-Paul-aux-Bois (Département Aisne)
26397 - Vosges - Guetteur Allemand
23141 - Tilloloy - Chateau (Tieuloy, Département Somme, Picardie)
23112 - Église de Bailly (Oise, Picardie)
22860 - Arras - Quartier de la gare (Nord-Pas-de-Calais)
22987 - Nieuport (Nieuwpoort, Flandre-Occidentale) - Le Mamelon-vert
23266 - Igny-le-Jard (Igny-Comblizy, Département Marne) - L'evacuation
A child's visit to the World fair of 1958.
Inauguration by Sabena of the first international flights for transport by helicopter
Report about the death of King Albert I, first in Marche-les-Dames, then in Brussels.
IIW. URSS. German landing in the russian island Oesel.
Scenes of different cadets in the Valladolid's cavalry academy in 1918.
Daily live of a high mountain farmer during the year.
An investigation of the problem of backstreet abortion in Italy.
A re-examination of the text based on illustrations of various editions of “Pinocchio” by Carlo Collodi.