Genre: Documentary film
Jahr: 1950-1956
Dauer: 01:07:00
Beschreibung: The film shows traditional farm life i the 1950s in a rural village in Western Norway before the land reallocation.
Anbieter: Nasjonalbiblioteket
Rechte: In Copyright / Please contact Nasjonalbiblioteket for copyright information
Produktionsfirma: Statens filmsentral
Farbe: Black & White
Regie: Agnell, Sigurd
Ton: With sound
Sammlung: Cultural souvenir films, director Olav Kyrre Grepp mm
Originalformat: Video/mxf
Language: no
Related Names
- Kramer-Johansen, Jolly | Music
- Bergh, Øivind | Conductor
- Agnell, Sigurd | Director
- Agnell, Sigurd | Director of photography
- Kiran, Hartvig | Narrator
- Revheim, Johannes Marselius | Screenplay
- Revheim, Johannes Marselius | Production assistant
- Sæverud, Harald | Music composer
- Bjørndal, Arne | Music composer
- Kloster, Robert | Researcher
- Skre, Brita Gjerdåker | Researcher
- Skre, Brita Gjerdåker | Narrator