L'art retrouvé

Other title(s): Art recovered
Genre: Documentary film
Year: 1945
Runtime: 00:10:00
Description: Works of the great painters are back in the museums, which are preparing to open their doors. The artistic life starts again in Paris, in the workshops of artists but also in the streets and cafes of Montparnasse and Montmartre. France, devastated by WWII, must rebuild: two architects, Le Corbusier and Auguste Perret, will be the designers of the new French cities.
Keywords: Musique / town / village / culture / habitation / museum / church / cemetery / architect / artist / pedestrian / dispersed individuals / small group / park / street / car / exhibition / seaside / vegetation / postwar architecture / historical architecture / facade / public housing / workshop / Pablo Picasso / Le Corbusier / Auguste Perret / Georges Braque / Henri Matisse / VICTOR-E project
Provider: Institut National de l'Audiovisuel
Rights: In Copyright / Institut national de l'audiovisuel. All rights reserved.
Document type:
Language: fr